Regulatory Readiness with in2track

In2track provides a cost effective, easy to use system to keep track of non-sexy tasks such as searching for the updated version of an expired document.  In all our interviews with business leaders during the development of in2track we have yet to find one that told us they get excited about compliance. We developed a system that simplifies the tedious but business critical process of keeping track of requirements, evidence and documentation.  In2track is NOT a provider of legal, financial or any type of advise regarding regulatory compliance.

Regulatory Requirements

Regulatory mandates are legally enforced rules and guidelines set by governmental bodies that businesses must follow to operate legally and ethically. They encompass a range of requirements including environmental, safety, financial compliance, and more to ensure businesses act responsibly within their communities and markets.

Businesses must remain vigilant about these regulations, as non-compliance can result in fines, legal penalties, and damage to business reputation. Governmental bodies publish lists of the requirements and the documents needed to comply and those lists are the ones that in2track easily uploads for company’s to closely monitor initial compliance as well as maintenance of the compliance over the lifespan of the enterprise.

Regular consultation with legal and financial advisors is recommended to stay updated on the latest requirements and ensure full compliance. In2track does not offer legal advice or financial advice.

Examples of Regulatory Programs

Following are examples of regulations that you can track and monitor with in2track.  Some of these may be preloaded and available under a plan. If you don’t find the one you need, let us know. You may also reach out to our business partner network where you will find firms specializing in assisting businesses with compliance with these ample and dynamic requirements.

Federal Regulations

Tax Compliance: Adherence to IRS regulations, including federal tax obligations for income, employment, and excise duties.

Employment Laws: Compliance with the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) laws.

Environmental Regulations: Meeting Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) standards, which may involve waste management, air quality control, and water pollution prevention.

Health and Safety: Following Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standards to ensure workplace safety.

Consumer Protection: Adhering to regulations enforced by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and other agencies that protect consumer rights.

Data Protection: Complying with privacy laws like the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) for healthcare or general data protection regulations for businesses handling personal data.

state Regulations

Business Licensing: Obtaining and renewing state-specific licenses to operate legally.

State Tax Obligations: Managing state income, sales, and use tax filings and payments.

Employment Standards: State-specific labor laws, including minimum wage, sick leave, and workers’ compensation.

Environmental Compliance: State-specific environmental regulations that may go beyond federal requirements.

Building and Zoning Laws: Adhering to state and local zoning laws to ensure proper land use and building standards.

local/municipal Regulations

Local Business Licenses and Permits: Securing local permits, such as health permits, sign permits, and construction permits.

Local Health Regulations: Complying with health department regulations, especially for businesses involved in food service or public accommodations.

Fire Safety: Meeting local fire department standards, which may involve regular inspections and specific equipment or practices to manage fire risk.

Noise and Pollution Control: Adhering to local ordinances regarding noise levels and pollution control measures.

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